20 Reasons NOT to Work in Large Companies

Large corporations only one type of professionals - professionals working in large corporations.

The text below is made on the basis of the views of several people who worked for a long time in the office, and exchanged the comfort of open-space and free coffee in the business and a balanced life. More after the break...

You never get a satisfying career you

It is worth considering how many layers of bosses is over you to understand that you take too much effort to overcome the internal resistance of the company. Playing - get out, work - hardly.

The initiative is punishable

To push the simplest change, which seems nonsense - for example, changing the letters in the layout or correction of the creative process - you have to spend enormous power. Most of all, when you win in your business, you will not get any satisfaction.

You will not be able to express their views publicly

If you are an expert in online advertising, or just know who is who in the market, and you have a big corporation, you are there at the time of shut up. You can not say that your product is bad - unethical in relation to his colleagues that the product is a poor competitor - is unethical in relation to competitors, generally can not comment on anything - it is better to keep silent, and then just offend someone. All colleagues are very valuable.

Team! Team! Team!

Team spirit and synergy, in unison, one and all, but together we can ... This you have heard plenty of very many. In the command responsibility you learn to hide their incompetence or inexperience. The most miserable project will grow into a working group with the group the same liability for which the offender could not be found, and rewards those who get anyhow.

You lose your emotions

The offices are not made to envy and enjoy. That is, all that is within you will gradually died down, but you will no longer show it all on his face. Boredom - this is your new mask.

You will learn to truly rejoice in the victories, which do not have any relation

You'll say "Well done guys designers! To give, "" Cool WE project. " You know that you are not in the business, but you're welcome. Your projects will run less and less, and enjoy something you need. Let the stone face of an office worker.

You have forgotten how to talk back and get used to the pace of working, which is adopted in the company

A month ago, you were annoyed that the treaty agree on a month, and offer some trains per week. You'll be in the same stop and sincerely understand the real course of things.

You will learn not to listen to people who say to you

Most experienced office staff as soon as they begin to talk, bristling with a smartphone or laptop. You will learn how to constantly check the mail and believe that you are very busy and you are VERY much depends.

You will learn to spend most of their time in useless talks

"- Let's go to peregovorku! - Who to take? - Yes, take it all! "Yes, you will collect a mini-audience extras, which will check your mail while you're talking about anything as long as the next portion of the skilled office workers do not throw you to do the same.

You will have no problems with delays

You'll be late everywhere - on internal meetings at the checkpoint where the waiting partners or contractors, on-site meeting. And you will have no problem with it - forgot met a colleague in the corridor, traffic jams - you believe that all this is the normal reason for delay.

You will become a caffeine-addicted and love the toilets

Coffee morning coffee before poludnikom coffee before lunch, afternoon coffee, coffee and 5 o'clock tea, coffee before going home. If you smoke, then add as many times as coffee, how many times you smoke. Toilets save when drinking coffee just did not want to. If there is a smoking room, it means there will be a headquarters, peregovorka, meeting room.

You will spend 12-14 hours on the job

But you are working or not going at all, or squeeze out a 2-3 hours of power. You will learn how to convince yourself that you are doing the right job that you are overwhelmed by all this notice. While secretly know everything that surrounded idlers and therefore behave the same way. The main thing is not to cause suspicion that you have something else in his life and work - just a means to achieve.

Increase in wages

Work you less productive. You, as the moss will acquire unnecessary tasks and meetings, but you will always feel that you deserve better and improve patches - for you it is taken for granted the event.

Do you diagnose symptoms of office workers

You will begin to increasingly ill colds. You quickly explain what it's all air conditioned and do not need to worry - do not disappear as insurance. You'll get sick a lot and enjoy it.

You will be overweight and ugly body

Again, there will be ready to explain - stress, a sedentary lifestyle. But that's because your body and brain will not do the work requires a lot of calories, you'll be a coffee-points haul napakovannye pechenyushkoy sugar, which will be 10 times a day, drink coffee with sugar. At lunch you will eat tasteless lunches that are prepared from the balance at the kitchen yesterday. This food is cooked without love, but because it is not useful.

You'll adore Friday

For the private entrepreneur Friday - it's terrible, the business ceases to operate for 2 days. For the office of a professional - this is the best day of the week - beer, singing and dancing are only possible on this day.

Yet you'll love corporate parties

Subject is not important. You absorb alcohol and food for a pittance, but it will be able to believe what you've done something special. You get used to the shame, and over the years, the Corporation and will know more about fellow filth than their spouses. And you will like it. About the same can be gossip.

You will lose the spirit of startapersky

All these weird people that make the products are not as important as you will cause contempt. And you'll always know that in a startup you will succeed the first time, just you do not need. You are different, different, successful ... already.

You gain credits

At the beginning of the work you want auto, like his colleagues. You buy it on credit, being piously convinced that "Well, an apartment for 30 years, I do not take it." A few years later the system the appearance of money on a plastic card your sense of self-blunted, and you will fit into such debts, which seemed impossible to you yesterday.